Welcome back to Resin Weekly! Its another year and I'm going to try my hardest to keep this blog going I may change it up a bit and do only 1 blog a month as I have many projects going on this year. Once again I'll be doing many of the Project Runway Challenges on Den of Angels. Some other projects that I'll be starting is a photo a day journal on my Facebook, occasionally it may incorporate some of my dolls so they may be posted her. There is also a 52 Week Toy/Doll Photo Challenge where we're given a theme to take a photo of our dolls or other toys. I'll mainly be using my BJDs so may also add those here in this blog.
Some other great things that will be going on that I may be busy with is creating clothing to finally place up on my Etsy site for sale. Along with all these new and exciting plans I'll still be working on clothing, faceups and photo stories for my existing dolls and future dolls. The photo stories I'm going to try to start from the beginning and upload them either her on my blog or find another site to add them for those that are not on Den of Angels to read my dolls stories.
A few things that I've already done this year besides the things that I mentioned I've also caught up on my videos on my you tube channel www.youtube.com/mskittyblue. BJD Addicts responses, 2013 doll overview of my entire collection at the end of the year and some of my aspirations for 2014, please feel free to go to the link and watch and comment. Also I'll be downsizing a few of my dolls to make room for new ones, a few will be reshelled into different characters or a new look.
Well that is about all I can think of at the moment for the new year I'll leave you with this photo which is from the 52 Week project that I mentioned the first week was Self-Potrait and seeing that Kitiblu is my main character of my photo stories and pretty much my first BJD I decided to use her as a model. Oh and I forgot to mention I purchased a new camera a DSLR Canon T3i so I'm really excited to start learning how to take better pictures of my resin crew.
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