Challenge 18 Welcome to Camelot!
Welcome to Camelot, the largest Renaissance Fair in North America! To attend the fair you must dress appropriately in mediaeval attire. We expect a wide variety of costumes, fancy or plain, colorful and accurate for the time period. We’d like to see a cross section of the populace.
Lets meet the model:
This is Sithryl, the lady's man of the group. I was having a hard time deciding on who to use for this challenge as I do have a few dolls that probably could have worked well for this challenge. The final decision was due to a friend on Facebook saying they could see him wearing a codpiece. And well she was
So first off yes the title of the challenge is a little confusing as Camelot was not set in the Renaissance time, but the person who runs the challenges really meant for it to be Renaissance, but we were able to do medieval attire from any era. I chose the 16th century. Now on to the inspirations:
And the finished costume:
Front view: 8 piece outfit in red, blue, white, black and golds.
Back view
Detail 1: Closer look at some of the details on the costume.
Detail 2: More fun details
Glamour Shot
Details of the costume: The costume like I stated consists of 8 pieces of attire. First we have a blue doublet with black/gold trim and tiny gold beads for buttons. Matching blue velvet hat with red band, red feathers and a decorative brooch. Red silk sleeves attached to the doublet. Ruffled lace collar and cuffs. Paned Trunkhose using blue and red ribbon with decorative gold/black trim and matching codpiece. Red knit hose.
Blue velvet matching shoes. And the finishing touch a gold chain.
I'm really very happy with the outcome, there are a few things that I could have added like a belt and dagger, maybe I'll have to add that later. But I think he totally looks perfect in this outfit, it really suits his personality as the playboy ladies man. I'll update this post after the results of the contest are availble...wish me luck!
UPDATE 08/18/13 Won 1st place in the competition also received my critique back from the judges:
Kitty Blue: This is a truly lovely representation of the perfect renaissance dandy, the kind of character you would find wooing all the ladies and kissing hands at the festival. The fabrics are wonderful and their overall appearance really speaks to the period style. I also liked your use of trim ina size that was in scale for this costume. In total, it's an excellent concept,well executed. And the cod piece is a perfectly in scale touch! Big kudos for that!
Kitty Blue (lord outfit)
I absolutely adore this ensemble. It has everything going for it: exciting colors, amazing execution, super cute shoes and hat, and above all, it has pomp and sassbefitting a lord.
The only thing that I am confused about is the pouch in the front of his crotch. I still have no clue what that is and it is distracting me lol.
Kitty blue
This costume is stunning! It’s very authentic looking and the design is featured in many paintings. The colors look great together and the details are impressive. Thegold trim, ribbon and necklace are wonderful touches. I really love his hat!I’m really impressed with the outfit.It’s one of my favorites! Fantastic job!
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